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Week Eight – Carola (Germany)

Learn More About Carola

Description of your submission and why you chose it for submission

I chose to submit the photos in this collage because it captures some of my hobbies – photography, running, holidays/activities. I also enjoy writing to express myself.

When were you (or your loved one) first diagnosed with NMO?

I was diagnosed with NMO on May 5, 2021.

Please describe your journey with NMO

It started in October 2020 with shoulder pain, then I lost strength in my right arm. In addition, there were sensory disturbances in both palms and on the whole right arm, partly with itching. I developed right foot drop and often caught my foot or toes when walking. The neurologist in February 2021 had the suspicion of NMO after symptoms and MRI findings, referred me to the University Clinic Regensburg and there, the diagnosis was made in the neuroimmunology outpatient clinic after a series of examinations. I am also being treated there with Rituximab. I am very happy and grateful that the diagnosis was made fairly quickly and I was able to be treated early. In the meantime, I have had 4 relapses and fortunately, nothing has remained apart from minor restrictions.

What has been the most challenging part of having NMO?

Acceptance of the incurable NMO was very difficult and some days it still is. Due to the neurological deficits in my arm and leg, I have partially lost confidence in my body. That was very distressing. Through the treatment and improvement of the failures as well as targeted physiotherapy, I am in the process of regaining confidence in my body, especially my leg.

Please describe in a few sentences how your art submission
reflects your life with NMO

I am active, move, do sports, go jogging and enjoy nature. I won’t let NMO take that away from me!

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