Worldwide Incidence and Prevalence of Neuromyelitis Optica: A Systematic Review
Journal: Neurology; December 11, 2020
Author(s): Viktoria Papp, Melinda Magyari, Orhan Aktas, Thomas Berger, Simon A Broadley, Philippe Cabre, Anu Jacob, Jun-Ichi Kira, Maria Isabel Leite, Romain Marignier, Katsuichi Miyamoto, Jacqueline Palace, Albert Saiz, Maria Sepulveda, Olafur Sveinsson, Zsolt Illes
How common is NMOSD around the world?
This study reviewed 33 published papers on NMOSD epidemiology (how a disease occurs in different groups and why) to determine the worldwide prevalence (number of people with a disease at a time), incidence (frequency of occurrence), and basic demographic characteristics of NMOSD and provide a critical overview of the published studies. The results showed that NMOSD is a rare disease worldwide. The incidence and prevalence were highest in the Afro-Caribbean region and the lowest in Australia and New Zealand; and highest in African ethnicity, lowest in White ethnicity. NMOSD occurred most commonly in Middle-aged adults and more in females than males.
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