Epidemiology of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: a review of prevalence and incidence worldwide
Journal: Frontiers in Neurology; September 15, 2023
Author(s): Jyh Yung Hor, Kazuo Fujihara
How common is MOGAD worldwide?
This study evaluated prior medical literature to determine how commonly MOGAD occurs and how widespread it is worldwide. The average age of disease development is approximately 30 years, and male and female sexes seem to have equal changes of being affected. Approximately 30% cases involve children. The prevalence of MOGAD (how many people are affected) is approximately 1.3–2.5/100,000, and the annual incidence (how often it occurs per year) is approximately 3.4–4.8 per million. Among white people, MOGAD appears to be slightly more prevalent than NMOSD with aquaporin-4 antibodies (AQP4+ NMOSD). Co-existing autoimmune disorders are less common in MOGAD than in AQP4+ NMOSD.
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