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Event Series Human Collective Project

TSF Plauderstunde | HCP Germany

Virtual: Germany , Germany

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | South Africa

Human Collective Project | South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | France

Le Projet Collectif Humain (HCP) | Français

Virtual: France , France

The Human Collective Project (HCP) est la réunion du groupe de soutien de TSF offerte à toute personne affectée par la NMOSD ou la MOGAD. Le programme a vu le jour au plus fort de la pandémie de COVID-19 en 2020, lorsque la plupart des patients NMOSD/MOGAD se sentaient particulièrement isolés et vulnérables au coronavirus […]

Event Series Human Collective Project

TSF Plauderstunde | HCP Germany

Virtual: Germany , Germany

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

다발성경화증(MS), 시신경척수염(NMOSD), 모그항체질환(MOGAD) 간의 유사점과 차이점을 이해합니다

Virtual: Korea

TSF 최초의 국내 환자교육 웨비나에 여러분을 초대합니다. 1월 21일 화요일 오전 9시에 NMOSD와 MOGAD 전문가 김호진 박사가 출연하여 MOGAD, MS 및 NMOSD 간의 유사점과 차이점을 논의하는 독점 프로그램에 참여하세요. 참석자들은 김 박사에게 질문할 기회를 갖게 됩니다. 이 웹 세미나는 녹화되어 TSF의 YouTube 채널에서 재생할 수 있습니다. 등록하려면를 방문하세요.

Event Series Human Collective Project | South Africa

Human Collective Project | South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Event Series From The Experts


Virtual: Global

Les troubles du sommeil sont courants dans les maladies neurologiques. La NMO et la MOGAD ne font pas exception. Que ce soit les troubles de l'endormissement, les réveils, le sommeil peu réparateur, les troubles sont variés et difficiles de s'en débarrasser. En compagnie de Véronique Carrette, sophrologue et hypnothérapeute, Bérengère et Fatiha, ambassadrices TSF, nous les […]

Event Series From The Experts

Managing Incontinence with Neuroimmune Disorders

Virtual: Global

Join us on December 20th for TSF's final webinar of 2024: Managing Incontinence with Neuroimmune Disorders featuring Dr. Raveen Syan, Urologist and Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology at The University of Miami. Dr. Syan will discuss urinary, bowel and sexual dysfunction in the setting of neuroimmune conditions. Attendees joining the live program will have the […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | Italia

Il progetto collettivo umano (HCP) | Italia Per pazienti adulti

Virtual: Italy , Italy

The Human Collective Project (HCP) è l’incontro del gruppo di supporto di TSF offerto a chiunque sia stato colpito/colpito da NMOSD/MOGAD. Il programma è nato durante il culmine della pandemia di COVID-19 nel 2020, quando la maggior parte dei NMOSD/MOGAD si sentiva particolarmente isolata e vulnerabile al coronavirus come membri della società immunosoppressi/immunocompromessi. L’isolamento che […]

Event Series From The Experts

Tratamientos para MOGAD

Virtual: Global

Únase a nosotros el 3 de febrero para una presentación en vivo y una discusión sobre las opciones de tratamiento para pacientes de MOGAD en América Latina.   Para registrarse, visite:   Los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de hacer preguntas a los expertos. Este seminario web se grabará y estará disponible para reproducirse en […]

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